Issue with Paypal Check Out



如果您有相同类似的情况,您可以试着删除本站的浏览历史和Cookies,并重新打开网站。或者是使用其他的浏览器,Firefox, Chrome, Safari

如果按照以上步骤问题还是没有解决,或者是还有其他疑问,可截图并Email给我们的Technical Support寻求帮助。



Dear Customer,

Due to recent update of our website, we found some customers having difficulties on Check Out. We are working on it and will be fixed ASAP.

If you are experiencing one of these problems, simply clean your browser history and cookies of our website and reload the page. You can also try to use another browser, such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari. 

If the problem still exist, or you found any other problems, please take a screenshot and contact our Technical Support.

We sincerely apologized for any inconvenience.

Thank you